Today, there are four generations working together in companies of various sizes. Each generation has its own approach to life, religion, opinions and ethics, which can make it inspiring or daunting for some of them to adapt. Self-esteem is the main reason for this hindrance.

Deal with younger managers and colleagues

Someone, who may have worked in a company since they left secondary school, can now find they have a new manager who is probably younger than their children. Although they can relate to their children, they can find it extremely difficult dealing with a young manager. This can make them feel uncomfortable, irritated or unable to relate to or bond with the manager or even with young colleagues, which in turn only makes them feel more isolated.

The main deterrent is when the older generation feel they have all the answers as they are older and have the experience. In order to conform and cooperate with staff, it is imperative for them to learn how to deal with the younger colleague and accept this new environment.

Ideally, you need to understand his or her point of view. This is achievable by noting their behaviour to better recognise what influences his management style so you can then work towards complementing it.

You should not be surprised if they do not have the same kinds of boundaries on work and personal time as you may have. The traditional way may not be appreciated by the younger manager.

Positive attitudes

You may be unhappy with your new, younger manager but, whatever you do, do not show it but try to find a way around it. If you are so unhappy that, every day you dread going to work then improve your skills which can then take you to the next job.

Do not assume that because they are younger with little or no experience, they do not know what they are doing. Remember no one is good at everything.

By observing their ways, you may find that you look at things differently. Converse with them about things that interest them; for example, you may talk about your grandchildren if you know that they have young children.

Discover their interests which you can talk about. If you do not have a clue about it, then do some research on it. To sum up you should not be aloof and unapproachable. Be positive as you may have a perspective that they lack and this can be beneficial to both of you.

Do not be surprised if your manager is more nervous than you, about this relationship. You should empathise and support them to find their footing. This could be the breaking point where they may return the good deed by giving you the autonomy you need and may also include you in meaningful decisions.

Remember young managers are deeply dedicated to teamwork. If you want to bridge that gap then show them that you are willing to invest, improve and understand.

Managers spend a lot of time managing new employees who are just beginning to learn prioritisation and time management. Your experience and skills can assist greatly in your being noticed and appreciated.