I started my career with my first job in the accounts department. I was very good at mathematics and achieved good grades at GCSE so this was the ideal job for me. I was happy and was given more responsibility over the years together, of course, with the relevant pay increases. My old colleagues were great people to work with and the company was generous and considerate to their staff.
“My promotion and my old job”
Finally, I was promoted as the Manager of my section in accounts and have been for seven years. In the latter years, I felt I was not challenged and there were no further promotions so nowhere for me with my background. I mentioned this to my boss who empathised and suggested I should assist by taking over some senior duties in another department.
I assisted the Human Resources department with interviewing candidates and creating a report on each one. It was quite interesting at first but after a year or two, I began to dread the job. I found I could not ignore the desperation in some candidates and the deceit in some also, the dithering in others. I was of the school where you focus on your goal and found it difficult to deal with people with no focus.
After some thought, I decided to change my career. I carefully studied the job market and decided to become a PA. There are lots of colleges offering training to become a PA. I phoned and emailed the interesting ones and from their responses, then I visited the colleges that seemed to offer what I was after.
I had to ask questions, face to face, and see the study environment. I decided to enrol with the one that suited my needs which were many as I am moving to a completely different area in a company. It was an intense program in a classroom environment and the additional benefit of the latest Microsoft Office training to Advanced level together with touch typing and audio typing.
Career Courses changed my life
This was a part-time course in which I achieved a distinction. I was able to meet all the set deadlines and multi-task which are the important skills required for the PA role. I enjoyed the course and the college environment that I decided to enrol on the Executive PA Course at which I earned a distinction. Armed with these diplomas and my newfound confidence, I applied for jobs. I had quite a few interviews which I sailed through (well I should, considering my role of interviewing candidates).
I am now the Executive PA to a manager of a large organisation, having completed my probation period six months ago. I am so very happy!