Secretary Jobs

Dublin has the perfect job market for an Executive Assistant

Have you been looking for a flexible and diverse personal assistant role in an up and coming location? Look no further than Dublin? In recent years the Dublin job market has been growing exponentially, and new businesses are opening across all sectors so there is no better time to become a personal assistant in Dublin!

May 29th, 2018|

What are the benefits of Temp Jobs?

One of the worst professional hurdles anyone has to go through is finding out what they are passionate about. In a world filled with opportunities, realizing your true potential is becoming easier than ever. Chances are, if today you know what you want to do, there will already be someone in the UK that needs

February 26th, 2018|

How Do I Know When It Is the Best Time to Leave Your Job

If it would have been effortless to empower personnel, everybody would have done it. The below given 8 pointers will assist your personnel to step forward and assist your company in its growth. Every leader dreams to have empowered employees. All leaders wish for individuals who demonstrate their capability by initiating things and finishing tasks

September 30th, 2017|

A successful PA must have Career Plan

In the past PA type work was far more functional. It required a set of skills that would remain with you throughout your career. This was largely due to a lack of automation in Administration functions within an office. Changes in technology and business functions enabled many PAs to become more involved in the business.

December 28th, 2016|

Secretary Courses in London

Whenever you’re looking for a new job, one of the most important features you should be looking for is job stability. Instead of looking for a job that pays well from the start, but offers an uncertain future, it’s better to settle for a stable job that allows you to progress and receive salary increases

November 30th, 2016|

PA Tips: Diary Management

Diary management is a very important job in any office. This is also most important in the home as you well know. We keep track of what has to be done day to day and also throughout the day. For instance, we make a note of our friend’s or family’s birthdays, a dinner date, a

June 16th, 2016|

Secrets of Minute Taking

Minute taking is a key to any Administrators career. Secretaries, PAs and Admin Assistants should look towards developing this skill. The skills of being a good minute taker are not that easy to master. You should realistically be able to go into any type of meeting and take accurate minutes. Why is this so important?

March 29th, 2015|

My Life and how to become a PA

My life is not the same as with other 28-year-old people. My mother has been married three times and I am the only daughter of four children. Also, I am the last of her children. My father is wealthy and has four grown-up sons from a previous marriage. I was very bright at school and

September 25th, 2014|

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This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

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