Job roles and requirements are changing as business needs adapt and change with time. This means that we have to keep our skill levels as high as possible. Always looking at what will make us able to function at a higher level.
Executive Assistant Careers
This means that an Executive Assistant and Executive PA draw up an honest career path and match the skills that they require to develop to be truly effective in that role. Continuing to be a success as an Executive Assistant will mean taking on more managerial skills. This will mean ascertaining the soft skills needed, but also the technical skills that are expected.
Technical skills include Project Management, Event Management, business skills, writing skills and much more. However, if you are attending executive-level meetings and presentations, you will encounter plenty of business and financial conversations. This means that you should develop your financial skills.
There are numerous training courses for people in this situation. It has always been focused on Managers, but Executive PAs and Executive assistants get exposure to the same information and it would benefit them, just like non-financially trained managers to gain these skills.
The aim is to gain enough skills to know the key financial terminology and not be lost in meetings trying to keep up with new terms. Also, the capacity to look at financial figures and draw some conclusions is vital. You do not need to study Accountancy to achieve this, contrary to popular belief.
There is numerous Finance for non-financial professionals and Finance for non-financial Managers courses. This is because there are countless managers from other departments to Finance and Accounts that need to gain these skills quickly. This logic applies to Executive Assistants and Executive PAs, who have exposure to Financial information just as much.
If we are going to function as a part of the Managerial Team, you will need to develop the same skills that the rest of the management possess. This is also something that people who are considering becoming Executive Assistant should consider, in particular, PAs looking to make the transition to the next level.
The other option is to take a Bookkeeping Short Course which will also teach you the terminologies and will help with more administrative tasks, such as Invoices and Expenses. However, you will not be able to learn how to make decisions with the Bookkeeping Training. This is more appropriate for some job types, however.
Find out more about Finance for non-financial Managers training courses at Financial Training Courses for Executive PA