Minute Taking is a key PA skill for anyone working in administration or as a PA. This is because at some point or perhaps frequently you will be required to take minutes at meetings. This task can be looked at as being a mundane task, but it is actually a moment to succeed in your position. It should be seen as a great opportunity.
Why you may ask?
The answer is simple; in your role how often do you get attention from managers in the entire company?
The answer is likely to be that from time to time you will interact with individual managers, one at a time, whilst acting as the point of contact for your own manager. You will not interact with all managers collectively. However, when you attend meetings in the role of the Minute Taker, you are teaming up with senior managers. In distributing the minutes, you will be sending them out with your name across managerial levels. This is the ideal time to improve your image in the organisation.
Minute Taking for your career
Although it is a good opportunity to boost your career and be seen as an efficient worker, it could also jeopardise your position if you were to produce bad quality minutes.
For this reason, you must ensure that you are comfortable with the quality and presentation of the minutes that you produce. Therefore, you will need to keep the knowledge of the terminology used and your English to the highest level.
However, you will need to find and adopt the most suitable minutes template to ensure that your minutes are presented as the very best that they can be.
As a Minute Taker, you need to take effective minutes, as the most difficult thing part of the task is to capture the most significant parts of the meeting, without missing key points. The main point is you do not want to write lengthy minutes with unnecessary details. When you attend two hours meeting with lots of talking, it can be tricky to summarise the main points of the discussion. This is why it is important to develop good minute taking skills.
However, once you have mastered these skills you have then opened many options in your careers such as higher paid jobs such as executive PA and Company Secretarial work requires excellent minute taking skills. So it is a skill that you should aim to master sooner rather than later.
This page gives you information on Minute Taking Workshop