When you are looking for a new role and the job is either a little higher than your previous job or different, it can be tough too and the job interviews. Unfortunately, it is far easier to just look for another job that is similar to your last, but you will not get ahead if you just keep looking for the same type of job.
Get a Job Interview
Here are tips on how to get the job interview that you want, by just tweaking your job seek.
- Networking: Social media networking on LinkedIn can get you the contact that you need to land an interview. However, general old fashioned networking and telling your friend and acquaintances that you are looking for jobs in this area can lead to referrals. The key to this being a success is making sure you keep in contact with a wide range of people and this is a process that will reap rewards in the long run.
- Training: Update your skills if you need more current qualifications. Or if you need more relevant qualifications find an appropriate source of training and get the certificate. This is the most logical and easy way to gain the necessary accomplishments to get a job interview. However, it is going to require some hard work, but nothing comes to those who don’t try to put in more effort.
- Follow up when appropriate: Because this shows interest and can even encourage the employer to take action if they are procrastinating on the CV that they have received.
- Persevere and keep motivated: There are many reasons why some companies don’t get back in contact and try not to read anything into it, as you will get through provided that you persevere and don’t lose sight of your objectives.
Improve your CV
You can find lots of free templates and advice for editing your CV, to get the job interview.
- Amend your CV: Amend your CV and covering letter to match the requirements of the jobs that you are applying for. Your previous roles and experience may be great for another role and things that you did not emphasise may be more relevant now. You need to be prepared to think totally from the perspective of your new job role.
- Customise your covering letter: Ensure that when you apply to an individual company you include details of the company. This shows that this is not a mailshot to many different companies. It will even show an interest in the specific company.