Executive Assistant Salaries in Singapore

We have compiled a study on Executive Assistant Salaries in Singapore. The Salary Survey uses information provided by major international job and employment databases. We updated this data in December 2022 for Singapore and other major centres in Asia Pacific. Singapore has a large range in pay for Executive Assistants. This is because Singapore offers a full range of Executive Assistant Jobs, from senior levels down to more junior levels.

Executive Assistants Salary in Singapore

EA Pay Range

Like most of the world, 2022 has been a year that has seen increases in Executive Assistant Pay in Singapore and major centres across the Asia Pacific zone. This has been caused mainly by rising inflation and the recovery from the pandemic which has led to salaries increasing in many jobs across the globe.

Executive Assistant Salaries in Asia Pacific by city

Here you can see the salaries of Executive Assistants from major cities across the Asia Pacific. We have data for Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Tokyo and Hong Kong. These are some of the major economic centres across the Asia Pacific and will give you an idea of average salaries and higher-paid Executive Assistant Jobs.

CityAverage SalaryHigher End Salaries
SingaporeSG$ 109,200SG$ 168,000
Hong KongHK$ 620,160HK$ 970,000
Kuala LumpurMYR 84,000MYR 156,000
TokyoJPY 6.7 MJPY 9 M
AucklandNZD 83,525NZD 94,000
MelbourneA$ 89,514A$ 101,000

Executive Assistant Salaries in Singapore

Singapore unsurprisingly offers some very good wages for Executive Assistants. Converting the Singaporean Dollars to US Dollars, we can see the average annual salary of $80k and high-paying Executive Assistant Jobs in Singapore attracting a salary of $125K. If you look at the other salaries in other regions, this is one of the highest pay levels globally.

Executive Assistant Salaries in Australia

Australia offers the highest salaries in Sydney, with USD 67K as an average salary. Internationally, this is similar to many major centres in Europe and North America. Melbourne has a slightly lower level than Sydney but is still higher than the national average in Australia. Meanwhile, Auckland’s and New Zealand’s salaries were generally lower than Australia’s.

Executive Assistants in Japan

Finally, Tokyo in US Dollars offers an average salary of USD 51K. Naturally, these US Dollar equivalents will vary as the exchange rate fluctuates. Nevertheless, they give you a useful comparison of your salary to your peers and in other cities. Figures in Tokyo are similar to the Japanese national average.

Intangible Benefits

Additionally, the cost of living in each location varies substantially. Other things to consider are that some locations will give greater cash bonuses than others, which is not included in these figures. Finally, Asia Pacific is diverse regarding work culture, quality of life, hours worked, and much more. These are all factors to evaluate when looking for a new job.

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I found the entire course worked well. The order in which the topics were presented, and the emphasis on the EA role and how it can be used most effectively. The course was guided by the practicalities of the role and included real life examples from both trainer and participants.  I was in awe of the ladies on the course and the positions they hold. I learn that the role is more management/partnership oriented than I had believed. Delighted to know that there are so many more options available for me to pursue.

Sheryl E, Trainee EA, Finance Company

Our tutor was excellent and fully engaged with each individual, I learnt why looking at the bigger picture and trying to partner my manager where possible was important.

Claire O C, Business Support Officer, NBDA