Working in London

How to find a Job using Twitter?

Social Media has been rapidly evolving over the past couple of years from a place where you share your social life to a Bahamut in presenting yourself to your potential future bosses. While LinkedIn and Facebook are probably the first two networks you think of when searching for a Job, Twitter is also a reliable

June 25th, 2017|

The Rise of the Male PA

For at least most of the 20th century, managers had secretaries, who were invariably women.  At the end of the 20th century, the role of the secretary transformed into the PA role. Despite typing, discretion and shorthand being valued, a modern PA does far more.  The rise in prestige (and pay) of the PA role has

May 28th, 2017|

Get Advanced Word Skills on my CV

The right skill set can make a difference in job searches. Putting a CV can lay claim to knowing how to use MS Word but few actually have the advanced skills. Professional secretarial duties require high-level administrative support. All Secretaries and similar roles need candidates with advanced Word qualifications. Advanced Word skills An advanced qualification

April 27th, 2017|

A successful PA must have Career Plan

In the past PA type work was far more functional. It required a set of skills that would remain with you throughout your career. This was largely due to a lack of automation in Administration functions within an office. Changes in technology and business functions enabled many PAs to become more involved in the business.

December 28th, 2016|

All Jobs require Microsoft Office Skills

Modern jobs of all types now require an excellent mix of skills. You will always have your particular technical skills that are required to do the specialist tasks in your job. However, there are wider more general skills. One of these is the soft skills group and is vital to performing well. The Importance of

August 19th, 2016|

Why knowing Microsoft Office is vital for a PA

On almost all job adverts for a Personal Assistant, you will see the requirement to be competent or even highly skilled in Microsoft Office. Why is Microsoft Office important to a PA, and how can you ensure your skills are up to scratch? Why Microsoft Office skills are vital for a PA Working as a

July 30th, 2016|

Find a Project Assistant Job – Project Careers

To find a Project Assistant Job you will need to be able to gain experience and skills in Administrative and Office work. However, the key is to gain knowledge of Project work. This will mean gaining a full understanding of the skills required to work in project management. The gaining of Project management skills is

March 25th, 2016|

Always look after your health when working

Office staff whether you are a Manager, Executive, Executive PA, PA, Administrator or Administrative Assistant should always look after your health when working. As you will be sitting at their desks for long periods throughout the day, it is important that you have regular breaks. Sitting in one position will impede circulation so you should

August 10th, 2015|

Top Sliding Bar

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

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